
Tony Benn: "Vote SYRIZA, vote for DEMOCRACY"


"Greece is the craddle of democracy and civilisation. The policies of the troika, espoused by the parties of the old establishment of PASOK and ND, destroy both democracy and civilisation in Greece. Together, they are destroying the foundations of the European social system. I would like to express my strongest political, moral and ideological support for SYRIZA, the political force that fights the two-party corrupt system of power and the austerity measures imposed on Greek people by the troika bankers. 

This crisis has nothing to do with the Greek people. This crisis is due to the profligacy of the banks and the wrongly designed monetary and 'political' architecture of the European Union. Vote SYRIZA, vote for DEMOCRACY."


Tony Benn,  Labour Party Member of Parliament for 51 years (1950-2001)

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